Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
I was just thinking....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A line...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I feel...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Summer '08
- Camping.
- My 21st birthday.
- Moscow walks with Lena, Dima and my uncle.
- Going to Nijniy Novgorod for 2 great days on a HUGE truck.
- 30 hours on the bus to get down south.
- Black sea = pure happiness.
- Swimming at night, during storm.
- Four wheeling in the mountains.
- Motorcycle and scooter ridin'
- Jeeping.
- Holland to see Minday.
- ALMOST missing my plane to Amsterdam - that was pretty fun.
- Museums in Amsterdam.
- Eftelink.
- Flying first class =D
- Coffee shops, ah those famous coffee shops :)
- Beautiful Russian churches.
- Super Nintendo with my brother - I can't resist Donkey Kong country :)
- My new sweet camera
- Going to Sochi - where the olympiad 2014 is going to take place at.
That's it.
Maybe I will remember some more.
- I think we should try to save water and shower together. - he said.
- Great idea... But we might stay there longer though. So there will be no savings overall.
He ate Ramen Noodles for dinner.
- If you don't care about environment, would you like to do it just for fun? -he said with a big smile and continued, - It always, takes me a while to think of a comeback. All the brilliant things I should have said come to my mind later.
She drunk her cup of tea.
-I think we should practice on each other - she said.
-What? I think I am pretty good at showering.
-No! Not showering. Comebacks.
Then she washed the dishes.
Friday, September 5, 2008
My major
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Let go
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Black sea
Palm trees and mountains,
Leisure all day,
Storm on the sea,
And nice queit bay.
Dances and parties,
Wine, chacha, beer,
Rocks on the beach,
That became very dear.
All days are similar,
Still never the same,
Breakfast, sea, tanning,
Dinner, card game.
Walking the city,
Back to the sea,
Supper, then phone call,
He is waiting for me.
Going to bars,
Talking, kissing, cocktails,
Then to the beach,
To watch stars, sea and sails.
Swimming at night,
Then trying to dry,
Looking at him -
What a great guy!
Out till early,
Almost all stars are gone,
When we go to bed,
Just to rise with the sun.
Starting all over,
With a new day,
I love down south,
What else can I say?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
University of Michigan - Physics
Maybe I am crazy. Maybe.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
About me.
In case you are wondering...
Monday, July 21, 2008
My summer.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Let's go running.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
i guess you will do
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Notre Dame de Paris
All of it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Polygamy has been natural to humans since the beginning of ages and is natural for most mammals as well. It is the way things work, because man is capable of producing a large amount of semen every day, while a woman can bear only one ( 2 or 3 in rare cases ) child for 9 months. No. I am not trying to justify a man sleeping with every woman he can get. That is not right. What I am trying to look at are the Islamic countries, where a man is allowed to have up to four wives. He has to be able to support them all and treat all of them in the same way. And four women living together become the best of friends. They grow their children together, cook, clean, go shopping. But what about love, family, trust, commitment? Seriously? Let's look at any European or American family, with the income above average. How many husbands have never had an affair? Not too many. Once a man starts making ehough money to support his family, he is very likely to find someone else to take out to dinner. Not because he is unhappy at home with his wife, just because it is a man thing. He is proving to himself that he is a male. And getting females is what males do. I am not trying to be a cool one-of-the-guys kind of girl. After all it all doesn't apply to me much anyways. I am going to get my degree, teach in college, make my money and won't give a damn of how much my husband, if I will ever have one, will make. But if I had a choice of being a stay-at-home mom, with husband who makes enough money and cheats on me, or being one of four wives of some sheikh in Arabic Emirates, I would choose the latter.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Stand by.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Be happy :)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Birds of feather flock together?...or Opposites attract?
Why is that? When two people meet and get to know each other, conversations between them always take place. Simply put, they talk. Taking to someone who shares similar interests and lifestyle as you, might not be as exciting as talking to someone, who is very unlike you. People like to try new things, and with someone who is different from you, there is a lot more chance to do it. After a while, however, it gets boring. All is discussed and new topics just aren't there. They don't read the same things, they don't watch the same TV shows, and they don't listen to the same kinds of music. That is when a lot of couples either break up, or get married.
Once marriage and “move-in- start-new-life” rush is done and talked over many times, there is a new choice: having a baby or getting a divorce. Babies tend to bond some families, because they give mommy and daddy things to talk about. However, once kids are old enough to make the conversation partners themselves, the chances of divorce increase again. Parents might still stay together though, “for the sake of children”. Then kids grow into adults and there is no reason for two people to be a couple anymore. Each decides to go his or her separate way, maybe regretting a little 20+ years of their lives. Some couples don’t get a divorce though, only because they don’t want to be old and lonely. Being old is usually enough.
Now let’s take a look at the couples, who do share similar values and interests. This kind of relationship is more likely to start off as a friendship, which might not bring a lot of excitement at first, however with time it gets more and more profound. They discover more things to discuss and gain more respect for each others views and opinions. And those are the kinds of couples, who fall in love a little more as each day goes by. Now, I am not an expert and all I wrote is based only on my personal observations, without any additional research. I might as well be wrong or that all might only apply to me. If you happen to read it and have an opinion on it, you would like to share, let me know.
Friday, June 6, 2008
A slice of pizza.
"What is SPS, guys?" - I asked after the exchange of "hey's" and "How are you's?".
"Society of Physics Students. Do you want to join?"
"No, I am not a physics student. I don't even understand physics" , - the idea of me joining an organization that has the word 'physics' in its name sounded ridiculous. Dana, however did not give up:
"I am not a physics student either. SPS is fun though. And you can always quit if you won't like it".
She convinced me. After all what bad can it do to be in a club? That is how I became a member of SPS. Being a part of the organization made me come to the physics lab more often. Eventually I started working on homework there. I would try solving problems myself, ask tutors to explain things I did not understand, or, eventually, explain things I did understand to my classmates. And one day... it clicked. I could almost see a lightbulb turning on above my head. No, it wasn't the case that suddenly I could solve any problem. I just realized that physics was rational, and that it did explain how the world works. It was making more sense than ever. Moreover there was some kind of connection between me and most physics students. We think alike and I really enjoy our conversations. I spent the whole semester basically living in the lab and you may call me a nerd, but those were fun times. People I met through SPS became some of my best friends. I got an A+ in the class. Now I am a physics tutor also. I changed my major anyways. Not to Computer Information Systems though. I love the way it all turned out. Physics certainly isn't a piece of cake... but a slice of pizza sometimes helps =]
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My day.
Don't look for something that isn't there.
She: So how do you tell if a boy has a crush you?
He: If a boy has a crush on you, you won't have to tell. He will tell you.
So girls, don't try to guess. Just wait and see. =]
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Open mind vs Morals.
Saturday, May 31, 2008 bff Nat

- She is the most organised person I ever met. While I am the most disorganised.
- She always has everything planned ahead, while I usually don't know what I am doing the next day.
- She is married and doesn't want to ever have kids. I would rather have kids than marry.
- She loves heels and classy things. I am more into boyish "I don't care what I look like" style of clothing.
- She is very responsible. I am the very opposite.
We don't agree on a lot of things. But we make great friends nevertheless =]
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I learned...
I figured that all that I believe should be based on what I learned. Just because I try to be rational. So here is my list of what I learned. I might be adding more to it later on. As I learn.
- I learned that true friendships will last no matter how long it has been and how far away you are.
- I learned that if you take time to get to know people, you will find something great about everyone.
- I learned that you will believe anything, if you really want it to be true. Most people will.
- I learned that the hardest things in life have the best rewards.
- I learned that you are not supposed to put regular soap in the dishwasher.
- I learned that you have to step up and take chances.
- I learned that family is always a family, not matter how far away you are.
- I learned that posing for pictures is pointless. Best pictures capture the moment.
- I learned that laughter is the best cure.
- I learned that it is easier to learn to forgive others than to forgive yourself.
- I learned that friendship is more difficult than love. Love can become jealous and possessive. Friendship is pure trust.
- I learned that you cannot fit a lawnmower through the door, that is not as wide as lawnmower is.
- I learned that even love unreturned has its own rainbow.
- I learned that best friends are the ones you can sit with for an hour without saying a word. And it won't feel awkward.
- I learned that if you understand that friends change you will not need to change friends.
- I learned that writing is the best way to get your mind organized.
- I learned that you gotta do what you love. And love what you do.
- I learned that emotions are individual and you are never totally capable of understanding how someone else feels.
- I learned that we are always responsible for own own actions and decisions we make.
- I learned that 'forgive and forget' doesn't always work.
- I learned that saying 'good bye' is so much easier when you know you will get to say 'hello' soon.
- I learned that believing is more simple yet infinitely harder than understanding.
- I learned that "every feeling you are showing is a boomerang you are throwing". And it will always get back at you.
- I learned that you hardly ever miss places or people. You miss times that were had. With those people at those places.
- I learned that hard work always pays off.
- I learned that life was much easier when there was someone saying "NO. You are not allowed" ... however it is more fun now =]
- I learned that braking using transmission works. But is far less effective than brakes.
- I learned that if you don't report your hours, you don't get paid.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Love, even unreturned has its own rainbow.
There is a problem with it though.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bravo, my friend!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008
...and it was said
" are we going tanning tomorrow?" - me interrupting Mindy's speech on the purpose of life
"I am so happy I wasn't born without upper lip" ~Mindy
"Mindy! Why is our food standing here?" ~me
"It is not about you. It is about me. I don't like you"
"You are so irresponsible! If I were like that I would kill myself" ~Natalya
Jared looking at the sweater in the store: "'s so ugly...made in Thailand...should've stayed there"
"I want to be a hippie. I want to be with friends in a field. With a guitar. I want to sing and dance all together. And pick flowers. Because that is what hippies did. And then all have sex.... But no." ~Mindy
Physics lab quotes:
"I am your moral support and pervert coach..." ~Zach
"Do you want to be tired?" ~Trevor
Me: Why are chinese kids so smart? Mike: They are not. There are just more of them.
You have to tell kids there is God. It is like easter bunny or tooth fairy. ~Mike
You know when squirrels get mad and have mouth full of nuts... ~ Zach
Integrate the shit out of it. ~ Mike
What's wrong with sex. FCC doesn't bleep it so it is OBVIOUSLY good. ~ Richard
This is Mark. He is my Helpdesk. ~Me
She (Dr. Tu) wants to fight you with math. ~Shaun
I am going to get you so drunk, I am going to have a hangover. ~Trevor
What the flux is that? ~ Jamie
Don't be a farmer. ~Paul
Integrate that hoe. ~Paul
Me: Would you like candy? Barry: Is a frog's ass water tight?
Trevor: Why isn't there no garbage can? Coffee shop lady: Well usually when people order coffee to go. They GO. Trevor: Touche...
Dana: I think we will need a little break once we get there. Anjan: To get some coffee? Dana: To get rid of some coffee.
Me: So what happens to people who drop out of high school? Dana: Well that is where your fast food comes from.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Perfect man...
... knows how to cook
... doesn't have much time to cook, but when he does cook - it is deeelicious.
... always dressed nicely
... likes to clean
... is smarter than me
... doesn't exist
He is IMAGINARY. But it is fun to imagine him. (:
Friday, February 1, 2008
love or hate ?
- outgoing (loud),
- funny (obnoxious),
- sexy (obsessed with sex),
- laid-back (lazy),
- sarcastic (mean).
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friends all around you =]

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
So I came up with that one night when I was bored: You are taking physics if...
* ... you know who Trevor, Shawn and Tim are
* ... you know about the candy bowl and you know who broke it
* ... you ever came in the MSB 217 just to get free candy
* ... you are familiar with WWSD ( What would Shawn Do ) strategy for solving physics problems, which is way more efficient than STAR
* ... green checkmarks make you happy
* ... you know who Bearded man is
* ... you know where you can find the slowest computers on campus
* ... you ever considered a "physics room campout" before the exam
* ... you see people from your class more than your family
* ... you have your name on the "Quote of the day" poster
* ... you ever refered to MSB 217 as "second home"
* ... you hate physics with a passion
* ... you love physics with a passion
* ... you know that it is impossible to study in the Physics lab, yet that is where you do your homework for most of your classes
* ... you ever did your physics homework using Warren's excel spreadsheet
* ... you have been tempted to try on the Expanding Universe. And probably couldn't resist the temptation.
* ... you know that if you have to go Dr. Grafe's office to ask a question, you better go at least an hour before your next class... but you will be late anyways.
* ... you know that you will almost have a minor in archery by the time you are done with your physics requirements
* ... you managed to put all of the homework problems on a 3x5 notecard
* ... you had been to a physics pizza party in the lab
* ... you leave notes for other people on the black board
* ... you know where all those trays, piled up by the door came from
* ... you dislike people wo never do homework and come to the lab to get the answers
* ... you never do homework and just come to the lab to get the answers
* ... you ever got a problem right without even having to read it
* ... you know that if you are doing homework by yourself, you have 5 attempts, if you are doing it with a friend you have 10 attempts, if you are doing it in the lab you have 20+ attempts
* ... you ever ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the MSB 217
* ... you can finish the phrase "Bad Boys..."
* ... you have been present or heard the story about hate being a strong word. haha
* ... you know that if it smells like coffee...
* ... you remember how physics lab got its own microwave and coffee maker.
* ... you leave all your stuff there, because someone will sure 'look after it'.