Sunday, June 1, 2008


"If it will be a sister I will feed her with candy and cookies. If it will be a brother, I will feed him with onions and garlic." That is how a 3 year old me reacted to the fact that my mom was going to have a little one sometime soon. The he was born. My brother. My worst enemy and my best friend. I don't know how many times we fought and am really surprised that neither of us is dead yet. Now we finally get along. We laugh whenever we talk, I can tell him almost anything and he is pretty much the coolest brother one would want. However I wanted to tell about my little sister. Yes I got a sister. You didn't know that did you? Her name is Mindy and she is 17 years old. She is from Holland. And I am from Russia. But that's because our father traveled a lot. No. Just kidding. That is how we fooled quite a few people though. She is staying with the same family I was staying with up until I moved out on my own. So we started considering ourselves sisters. We are a lot alike actually. Seriously, how many people would want to stay up till 4 am talking about completely random stuff? Like fate, destiny, friendships. We also both are weird. But in a good way =] We look at the world through same lense. And she seems to understand me sometimes better than I can understand myself. Both of us are more into art than sports, and we love a lot of the same music. We have a thing for 1970 and probably would be hippies if we lived back then. One thing that sucks is that she has to go back to Holland in 3 weeks and I will miss her alot. On the bright side I am going to visit her over there in August =] Oh also I did my best trying to feed her with cookies and candies over this year.

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