Saturday, June 27, 2009


Shane and I went to Flushing Park and played on swings. It was right before I was about to leave for the weekend. It was also 4 days before we decided to start dating.

We went to Elms Park and played on swings and playground. It was few days before I had to leave for the summer and 4 days before we broke up.
So I guess it is game. It started on a playground and it ended there as well. Just like hide-and-go-seek or cops and robbers. Boyfriends and Girlfriends (?). Ha.
Well at least it was a fun game and I sure wouldn't mind playing it again.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Graduate school I will apply to

1. I need to send my evaluations from MESI. Number is 219997. The website is It will only be around $100 for all the schools I am going to apply to :) 2. While I am in Russia I need to have MESI send my real transcripts to all schools I am applying to Now here is the list of schools: University of Colorado at Boulder, one of the professors here in Arkansas graduated from there and he really liked it. Plus all my friends who have been there liked it as well. Plus I LOVE mountains. Plus they seem to have a really good program. Minus: no beach + cold winters. Plus: If Shane and I will end up together, that is where he wants to go too. -Need GRE, Need Physics GRE -Deadline is January 1st -Need 3 letters of recommendation -$50 application fee Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, well I like it here a lot. I love people and the atmosphere. Oh and the weather. -Deadline is January 15th -Need 2 letters of recommendation -Need regular GRE University of California - Irvine, it is Cali! There is beach! Trevor will be going to this school, so I will give it a shot as well! -Need regular and physics GRE -Need 3 letters of recommendation -$90 application fee -Deadline is January 15th University of California - Santa Barbaba, same as Irvine. Replace the name "Trevor" with the name "Vinod". I know I am lame choosing school based on what friends are going there, but that is because I know they like it there, so I should too. Ahh there are sooo many graduate schools!!! Caltech, that is my "really really good school, which i won't make it to, but I at least will try just to make sure" My advisers here in Arkansas graduated from Caltech, so I may ask Dan to write me a letter of recommendation. -Need both GRE's -Need 3 letters of recommendation -$80 application fee Univerisity of British Columbia, once again beach and mountains and good school (ranked 2nd in Canada!) Minus - kinda chilly. Plus - I LOVE Vancouver. -150 CND Application fee -Need regular GRE Vanderbilt University, :) Lehigh University They waved my admission fee.... So why not? :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer 2009

So I have been making lists of the all the fun things I did in Summer 2007 and Summer 2008. I figured I will start early on 2009, before I forget...

~*Internship, studying space and making money
~*Caving for the first time in my life. Devil's Den = Great
~*Going to Mars, aka Western Oklahoma with the fun group of people
~*King's Island with my sister, Shane and Dan and getting a terrible sun burn
~*Aquarobics and Rock Climbing!
~*I started RUNNING!!! 5.5 miles so far!
~*Bars and dance clubs!
~*Texas trip and all the "seductive" pictures by me and Jazmin.
~*Me being VERY middle-schoolish :D
~*Going to the lake with Jazmin, Deric and Silas and eating delicious cooking by them.
~*Mountain view weekend
~*Fireworks with Deric's uncle
~*The most beautiful cave. It was so great.
~*Jumping of 30-feet cliff with Deric and Silas. That lake was the best.
~*Stargazing with Deric and Matt
~*Floating down the Elk river with really cool people. Twice.
~*Eureka. And the weird Jesus statue.
~*Hey, my man....
~*Party back home with physics kids
~*Russia and hanging out with family and friends

Imagine by John Lennon

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I talked to Trevor the first week I was on REU here. Well talked is not an exact description of what was I doing. I complained to Trevor about how much I missed everyone and how lonely I was here. He said: Lonely is a part of REU! You will get to learn about yourself. No large group of friends to cloud your thoughts, just you. I was skeptic about it. I learned all I needed in 3 days I was away from Michigan. All I wanted was just for this REU to be over, so I could go back to my friends. Now it has been almost three weeks. And these three weeks have been great. I sure do miss everyone a lot, but I did learn a lot about myself, my ex-relationship with Shane and my friends. First and I think most important thing I learned was that I am my own person, or I may have just remembered it. (I guess all girls say something like that after break up, haha). But seriously, up until May 25th, everything I was doing, I was doing with Shane, unless he hated it, like shopping. I wouldn't even do anything unless I talked to him before. It wasn't that he would have a problem with me doing my own thing, it was that I didn't want to do it. Here it is all different. I get to do things that I want to do, pretty much when I want to do them. I have tried a lot of things that I would have never tried back in MI. I fell in love with rock climbing, went into caves and took a fitness class. I started RUNNING. Seriously Anya and running never got along before. I ran 5.5 miles! I guess I could have been running with Shane back in MI, but I always felt like I would slow him down or disrupt his experience in some way. Here it is just me and my ipod. And yea it took me an hour to run those 5.5 miles, but I did it. Second was that I am not as shy as I always thought myself to be. I met a bunch of new people just couple weeks ago and maybe it is just that we live together, but I did feel comfortable about them from day two. Amazingly enough it took me almost a semester to start feeling comfortable around my friends from home (Trevor, Anjan, Todd, Courtney, Shawn). Third is that I love my friends from home. They have been very supportive during my first couple weeks, which would have been so much harder without them. I have enjoyed so much our long phone/chat conversations, because I felt like I was participating in some way in their lives, while I had them to tell about my adventures here. I miss all of them a lot and my friends, and Simba are the reason why I still want to go back to MI, from all this fun here. Those of you who know me well, probably know that I am extremely self-conscious. I always have something wrong with my body, my hair, my face whatever. But I think I found the way around it. I started to work out, so now I feel like I look better every day and I decided that it is time for me to start getting haircuts regularly. I have been quite satisfied with the way I looked in the past couple weeks and I am extremely happy about it. (I know it is not about the outside and the true beauty is on the inside, but outside is important as well). I believe those are the important things I learned for now, Thank you, Trevor, Have a good day, whoever reads it.