Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friends all around you =]

My sister came home after visiting Detroit Autoshow today with few foreign exchange students. After telling us about the cars she saw, their walk around Detroit, how warm it was inside and how freezing cold it was outside she added: - Jessie and I talked for two hours on the way home. I am going to call her tomorrow and we will hang out. Jessie is an exchange student from Germany. Mindy has known her almost since the beginning of the school year. However they never talked to each other before. We all have so many potential friends around and sometimes all we need is just a little conversation to actually get the friendship going and make each other's lifes a little better. I gained few new friendships lately and as I look back I regret I haven't become friends with these people earlier. I had a class with Dana in Winter 07. We had D'Souza's Calc 2 together. We talked a little, but never actually had time to get to know each other better. In Fall 07 we had Linear Algebra and were both Society of Physics Students secretaries, which made us a bit closer, however only after going to Florida I basically realized how much we do have in common and we finally became friends. And I have known her for a YEAR. Zachary was in two of my classes in Fall 2007. We knew each other, however we never talked. It took one day of studying for physics and linear algebra together for me to see that he is fun and that we should be friends. Now we are :) However last semester would have been more fun, if only we talked on the first day of classes. Anjan was in my Linear Algebra class. Once again I knew who he was, however I was always a little intimidated to talk to him. It took us an hour to make a huge pile of pancakes for breakfast in Florida and to get to know each other. One hour. And we could have been friends for over a semester now. It is all about taking your time to get to know people around you. Don't take being shy for being stuck up. Some friendships do come naturally: you meet this special person and you feel like you have known them forever right away. However some friendships need a little push, a little force applied, if you will, to get going. Don't wait to apply this force. Talk to people, get to know them and try to see a friend in everyone you meet :) Hope you guys don't mind I talked about you in my little journal thingy. I am really glad I got to become friends with each one of you and wish we became friends earlier:) And sorry for getting nerdy in the end, however it was the best analogy I could think of.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I spent a significant amount of my life over the past year in the MSB 217. aka Physics tutoring lab.

So I came up with that one night when I was bored: You are taking physics if...
* ... you know who Trevor, Shawn and Tim are
* ... you know about the candy bowl and you know who broke it
* ... you ever came in the MSB 217 just to get free candy
* ... you are familiar with WWSD ( What would Shawn Do ) strategy for solving physics problems, which is way more efficient than STAR
* ... green checkmarks make you happy
* ... you know who Bearded man is
* ... you know where you can find the slowest computers on campus
* ... you ever considered a "physics room campout" before the exam
* ... you see people from your class more than your family
* ... you have your name on the "Quote of the day" poster
* ... you ever refered to MSB 217 as "second home"
* ... you hate physics with a passion
* ... you love physics with a passion
* ... you know that it is impossible to study in the Physics lab, yet that is where you do your homework for most of your classes
* ... you ever did your physics homework using Warren's excel spreadsheet
* ... you have been tempted to try on the Expanding Universe. And probably couldn't resist the temptation.
* ... you know that if you have to go Dr. Grafe's office to ask a question, you better go at least an hour before your next class... but you will be late anyways.
* ... you know that you will almost have a minor in archery by the time you are done with your physics requirements
* ... you managed to put all of the homework problems on a 3x5 notecard
* ... you had been to a physics pizza party in the lab
* ... you leave notes for other people on the black board
* ... you know where all those trays, piled up by the door came from
* ... you dislike people wo never do homework and come to the lab to get the answers
* ... you never do homework and just come to the lab to get the answers
* ... you ever got a problem right without even having to read it
* ... you know that if you are doing homework by yourself, you have 5 attempts, if you are doing it with a friend you have 10 attempts, if you are doing it in the lab you have 20+ attempts
* ... you ever ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the MSB 217
* ... you can finish the phrase "Bad Boys..."
* ... you have been present or heard the story about hate being a strong word. haha
* ... you know that if it smells like coffee...
* ... you remember how physics lab got its own microwave and coffee maker.
* ... you leave all your stuff there, because someone will sure 'look after it'.