Sunday, June 1, 2008

Open mind vs Morals.

Isn't it a little hard to be open minded and in the same time have morals? Think about it. Having morals a lot of times means sticking with some certain behavior. Suppose Joe Shmoe doesn't smoke. He doesn't do it because according to his morals smoking is bad. Doing bad things is wrong. The people who do wrong things are foolish. ( I know the logic here doesn't follow all the way, but bear with me for now). Now Dan does smoke. So according to Joe Dan is a foolish man. Joe just was really judgemental and certainly not open minded. If Joe was open minded, then we would say, that it is Dan's personal choice to smoke or not to smoke. Therefore Joe also would have the same choice. And if smoking doesn't make Dan a foolish man, it doesn't make Joe either. So Joe may as well take up smoking. Now he was open minded but didn't stick with his morals. Intuitevely a lot of us find that line of equilibrium. The ones who don't become ultra conservative or ultra liberal. I am trying to stay in the middle, but I tend to lean more towards liberal side.

1 comment:

V said...

i think having morals is more of a personal thing i.e., how YOU want to be...and being open-minded is how you look at others...they can co-exist

and as far as being judgmental goes...i think its over-rated...its not that can u not judge a person :)

good post tho!