Monday, June 2, 2008


" Dear ... I am sorry to tell you, but I got back together with my ex-girlfriend. You guys should meet. She is kinda like you except a little thinner. You will always be in my thoughts. ..." That is the card I got today for one of my friends. Signed with his name. I thought he might find use for it in the future. Good thing he has a sense of humor and also thought it was funny. I love these kind of cards. My friend Asinda got me a whole book of them and they make me laugh. "Dear ... I would tip you, but then you would actually think you are good at it" Isn't it so mean, but also so funny? This is the one I came up with for my lovely sis. Mindy: "Dear sister, Remember the time when you thought I tried to kill you and I said that I was just peeling an apple. Well, we were out of apples. Hope you don't mind Bunches of love, Anya"


Lindsay said...


Anonymous said...

well you suck!


annie.ka said...

tell me something I dont know, honey :)