Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just a good day

I heard from the Germans today :) From the University of Bochum to be exact. They ranked me their number 1. Now it is just up to DAAD program to place me there.

I already measured the distances to:

Mindy - 2 hours
Lena - Less than an hour
Paris - 5 hours
Lille - 3 hours

I am sooo excited!

I really hope Shane will get in as well!

Oh and here is the place where I will hopefully get to spend the summer. I didn't take it,


Monday, February 15, 2010

I love

I love genuinely kind people. They are so awesome. And there are so few of them. And I wish I was one.

Stole it from my sister.

Doubt is the rust of life. Doubt holds you landlocked in paralysis unable to move either way. The time you spent doubting is the time you are not alive.
So, rid yourself of the doubt, take that step one way or another, your heart knows what is best, but take it right now.

Monday, February 1, 2010

English essays

I have to write a narrative for my English 112 class. We had to read a few samples. Every single one of them either describes a near death experience, deep philosophical enlightening that happened to someone, an emotional experience that shook the base of a person's existence or a combination of three.

I have never been on a verge of death.

I have not been philosophically enlightened enough to write about it.

And I really don't like re-living tragic emotional experiences.

I am writing my essay on how I flew the plane with my dad in the cockpit when I was five years old.  It was fun :)